Wednesday 5 March 2014


I am continuing on with the production...

Looking at the object normally there was nothing wrong with the shapes until I put it into a smooth view. One side was messed up and had extra edges and vertices. To fix the problem I went back to the blocked view and removed the extra faces and moved the vertices in line with the others using the top view. I then filled the hole. As seen in the bottom picture that didnt completely fix the issue. There was an extra edge causing that side to droop, in order to fix it I had to delete that edge then use the interactive split tool to create a new edge.

I also added the vent to one of the windows on the top floor. I did this by creating a cube and sizing it down then placing it in the circular window, I then duplicated the object and sized down to fit the space.

I have had to redo the whole top part as I was finding out there were extra pieces that were messing up the whle geometry so I just started over to make it easier for myself. The bottom part is one cube using extrudes, then the rounded bit was created using cv curves and then combined into one shape, then the top piece is another cube using extrude again and then a sphere for the top.

I realised the Outliner was a little messy so I decided to name everything! Oh what a smart thing to do!

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